Remembering God's Promises On the Journey
Back to Africa

Saturday, March 08, 2008

So much has been going on. Let's see I went on the Emmaus Walk, a spiritual retreat where I experienced God's love in powerful ways, and it was absolutely amazing. God is very faithful. From that experience the Lord spoke into my heart; Christ gave His all for me- I must give my all to Him. Before the Emmaus Walk I traveled to VA Beach, VA and visited my school, Regent University. I knew this time was supposed to be a time of seeking the Lord and His will. I had planned (key words here- me planning) to sit in on a few counseling classes to check out this route. I'm currently working towards a Masters degree in English Bible and since I started at Regent I have thought I would obtain a joint Masters degree in Community Counseling as well. Well, God had other plans. He has been speaking to me about missions, loving Him with all I am, and loving others as myself. So, even though I had appointments to meet with a professor from the School of Divinity about missions and a professor from the School of Psychology and Counseling about counseling I only ended up speaking with the prof about missions. God is always at work and I believe He is telling me to focus on what He is calling me to do now. I put it all in His hands.

I have been facilitating a women's Bible study at church- Breaking Free by Beth Moore (available at The whole study is based on Isaiah 61:1-4. It lays out five benefits of our covenant relationship with God: to know God and believe Him, glorify God, find satisfaction in Him, experience God's peace, and enjoy His presence. If we as believers in Christ are not experiencing these to the fullest some corresponding obstacles (unbelief, pride, idolatry, prayerlessness, and legalism) may be standing in our way. May God continue to work out His perfect will in each life as He breaths freedom into hearts.

I just finished reading a great book, Spiritual Discipleship by J. Oswald Sanders. It discusses the absolute sacrifice that Christ asks of a true disciple. I am personally taking many things away from this short book including: depend on the Holy Spirit, trust God, the answer is Philippians 4:13, Jesus emphasizes that no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God, living under Christ's lordship means doing what He says (Luke 6:46), and Christ is eternally worth any sacrifice I could ever make for His sake. "The key question that determines whether or not He has been given that place of authority in the life is 'Who makes the decisions?' " Also, the author quotes Robert Murray McCheyne "A glance at Christ will save, but it is the gazing at Christ that sanctifies." (p.76)

Lord, You are my Lord and Savior, my friend and Master. May You remain in Your rightful place in my life- on the throne eternally. Take control of every area of my life. I give you all of me. I withhold nothing from Your hand. You give and You take away. I submit to Your will and I ask You to indeed be my decision maker. Sanctify me, conforming me into the image of Jesus. May I be Your hands and feet to this world, sharing Your love with all who I come into contact with. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.