From the waiting room at hospice...
I sit here in awe of God. He is without a doubt in control of all things. I can see His hand in the details of my life. Despite the current circumstances I trust in His plan. My best friend at the age of 36 lays in a semi-comatose state in her room at hospice. Earlier this week she became minimally responsive - keeping her eyes close and rarely speaking.
Just less than two months ago I accompanied her with some family members to her oncologist's office to hear the report of her PET scan. The cancer had returned and this time it had traveled to her colon, abdomen and liver. After this news the remainder of the appointment was a blur. The doctor recommended looking into clinical trials if treatment was desired as chemo was unlikely to work in her case. Surgery was not an option. Shocked and yet sensing God's peace I knew that a new chapter of this journey of life had began.
The last couple months have been challenging for my friend and for all who love her. Shortly after her diagnosis she was admitted to the hospital due to continued problems with her digestive system. She had a bowel obstruction and surgery was required. The surgery didn't go well as they found the cancer was extensive and pervasive and therefore they were unable to remove the obstruction. The surgeon was able to help alliveate the symptoms however. Since her surgery during the last week of January she has been in the hospital and later moved to hospice as her condition progressed.
Her faith in God and perseverance in the face of suffering has touched my heart, solidified my hope of Heaven and and strengthened my spirit. As Christians we know and believe what God's Word says is true - "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16) These words speak of Jesus and the eternal life we have in Him when we believe. I'm reminded that every human being will exist for eternity after this earthly life. This crucial decision... whether we believe in God's Son...God's invitation for us to believe in Him and therefore have eternal life determines whether we will exist for eternity enjoying life in Heaven with God or experience eternal death in Hell without God. "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)
So, I've been on this journey back to Africa since February 2009 when I returned to the U.S. after a 5 month mission trip to Swaziland. I believe God's called me to full-time missionary work there - to share God's love in this nation predicted to become extinct by 2020 due to the AIDS pandemic.. .children who have been orphaned and women left as widows all due to this devastating disease called AIDS. I continue to trust God's timing for my return and I praise God that I have the privilege to be here for my friend right now.
The call to the mission field... In December 2007 a small group of people, including my senior pastor, traveled to Swaziland, Africa for a 2 week exploratory trip to discover how we as a church could do something about the AIDS pandemic sweeping across Sub-Saharan Africa. During their trip I was constantly praying for the team as God placed a burden on my heart for the people of Swaziland, the country with the highest rate of HIV infection in the world (about 45%). I began looking up information on the internet about AIDS in Africa and before I knew it I was randomly crying... my heart was breaking. Shocked and outraged, I couldn't believe there was such a crisis with so many people dying and I hadn't been aware of the extent... the reality. I sensed the Lord speaking to my heart to prepare to go to Swaziland to serve the people and share hope with those who were desperate for it. After my pastor returned from Africa in late December I went to hear him share about his trip and what the group had experienced. God's divine appointment of the team meeting Pastor Kevin Ward (who is now our ministry partner) was explained. Swaziland was described as a country beautiful in landscape and yet a people devastated by AIDS- overpopulated with orphans left behind. I left church that night overwhelmed with a continued burden for the people of Swaziland and I cried out to God in prayer. I had been asking God "what Your will for my life?" Immediately I felt the Lord impress on my heart "do you have 20 years?" Speechless I thought "if You give me 20 years Lord, yes I have 20 years." The question came again "if it meant the salvation of a nation, do you have 20 years?" My soul and all of my being cried out "yes! yes, I do!" My decision since then has been that I will do what God calls me to do and go where He calls me to go.
In my current challenging situation with my dear friend I see God at work. Even though I would selfishly like for her to stay on this earth I know it may be God's timing for her to go to be with Him in Heaven where she will be better off by far. Whether I'm in Africa or here I have one goal: to love God and to love others. See, when this life is said and done God will proclaim: "Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Then the righteous ask the Lord when they saw him in all these situations and helped him. God replies "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine you did for me." (Matthew 25:34-40) What an opportunity we have to serve God by caring for those in need. Wherever you or I find ourselves we can make a difference.