Remembering God's Promises On the Journey
Back to Africa

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My trip to the States was great and it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces - friends, family, church family. Thank you everyone for making it a special time! (Sorry for the delay in getting this posted. Time seems to be flying!)

Here are some highlights from my trip to the USA:

My Dad's wedding in South Carolina
(my 3 brothers, sister, 2 stepsisters, stepmother, my Dad & I)

My absolutely adorable little cousin Nadia
(she's like a niece to me, she's my cousin Natalie's girl,
looks SO much like me as a child)

My nephew Brayden (8months old, met him for the 1st time during
visit to the States)

My friends Musa & Waheedah getting prayed for at their wedding
September 24th at CLC in Dayton, Ohio

My youngest sibling EJ and I right before his first school dance (Homecoming)
I'm the oldest of 5, he's the youngest. :)

My sister & I (ok and my funny brother)
My last meal w/ my family before flying back to Africa

My Aunt Diana, me, & friend Pam

Saying goodbye to my Mom at the airport,
flying back to Africa
(lyrics come to mind "leavin' on a jet plane
not sure when I'll be back again..")

Bye to my Dad & his wife Candy
(Their wedding in SC was a blast! Welcome to
the family Candy, Emily, & Erin)

It was so nice to visit with family, friends, church family and so many who are part of my missions support team. There's too many of you to mention by name but please know your prayers, friendship, encouragement, and support bless me beyond words.