Remembering God's Promises On the Journey
Back to Africa

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lots has been going on here. Part of life here is multiple volunteers coming from around the world for varying lengths of time (a few weeks to a few years). That means people come and serve impacting Swaziland for a time and then return to their home country. Since I've been here we've had volunteers on the farm (where I live and work) from Zimbabwe, Zambia, Scotland, England, Ireland, Sweden, USA, Canada, and probably even more places. :) Recently my roommates and friends from Canada wrapped up their 1 yr internship program and left to pursue whatever God has for them next. Below are some recent pics.

The house parents I work with & a group of volunteers
I've served alongside

2 leaders in the ministry at the one on the
right's birthday party
(really good friends of mine, awesome women)

Volunteers & I shortly before they left
(2 African guys, 2 Canadian girls)

A goodbye braai for the volunteers
in one of the children's homes