In Matthew 25 we learn that what we do to the least of these we do to Christ. How will we as the church and as individuals respond to all the orphans and widows of the world, even to those left behind on the continent of Africa? What an opportunity we have to serve God! We can be His vessel to bring His love, Truth, hope and peace to a broken and hurting world. Through prayer, giving or going we can partner with God to see Him transform nations. "For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations." (Isaiah 61:11)
Tickets are being sold at $1 a piece or 6 for $5. If you're interested please contact me via email or on fb. Each ticket has a stub with a # on it. All the stubs will be kept for the drawing. If your # is a winner I will contact you to arrange getting you your prize(s). (Most can be mailed) Winners need not be present to win. Winners will be posted to fb and my blog ( on June 21st.
THANK YOU for participating in almost $800 being raised towards my missions assignment to Swaziland, Africa!
Some of the prizes....
* Brian Amlin & Scott Bassman won 4 Movie Passes to Regal Cinemas
* Peggy Shafer, Betty Gress & Laura Bauer won ½ hr massage sessions @
Vandalia Massage Therapy
* Diane Patton & Mildred Vest won 1 hr massage sessions @ Hands Down
Massage & Copeland
* Donyce Montgomery won TX Roadhouse Gift Certificate (dinner for 2)
* Rhea Jeffers won Family Fun Pack- 4 tickets for "Hubble" at Imax,
Wright Patt Air Force Museum
* Janet Neal won Redken Hair Product Gift Basket
* Scott Bassman won Gift Basket from Bob Evans
* Tracie Trim won Gift Certificate for 2 entrees @ Logan’s Roadhouse
* Dave Churchill & Radeen Bookwater won Gift Certificate for Abuelo’s
* Cheryl Mader won Coffee Gift Basket
* Tamika Cook won $25 Gift Certificate to LaRosa’s Pizzeria
* Cheryl Strange won 1 Dozen Doughnuts from Krispy Kreme
* Sue Schroder won CD from Lite 99.9
* Brian Amlin, Bernice Adams, Linda Becker, Sandi Opp, Penny Perkins, Tamika Cook, Melanie Brammer, Dave Churchill, Larry Dunn, Regina Huelskamp, Christina Clark won 1 T-shirt
* Laura Bauer won Car Wash @ Soft Touch Car Wash Systems
* Randy Brown won Complimentary Nutrition & Physical Fitness Consultation
w/ Physical Trainer
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