Remembering God's Promises On the Journey
Back to Africa

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

I'm continuing to meet with each one of the children to give them the opportunity to share their life stories and testimonies. It's amazing to hear of what so many of them have been through and even more amazing to hear how their lives were changed when they came to know that the God of the universe loves them. Many of them as children have gone through periods of time with little or no food and their families did not have the money to send them to school. Almost all of them have already endured the loss of multiple family members, including one or both parents. I've been so touched and humbled as the kids have opened up and shared their stories with me. Many tears have been shed and, equally, many smiles have been displayed as they come to realize all over again what God has brought them through. Each child expresses gratitude and joy regarding being under the care of the ministry now. They are in a safe place they say and people show love to them, including their house parents. They report that they get enough food to eat everyday and they have the privilege of getting an education.

Myself with 2 of the kids
(both have cerebral palsy, people with disabilities in
Swaziland are often neglected/ignored but these 2 are
receiving love, attention & hope here in the ministry)

Continuing to collect life stories w/ the kids :)

Last Friday I got to serve as a leader at the Potter's Wheel (my home church here) all-night youth retreat. Staying awake all night didn't come quite as easy as it did when I was a teenager.... Does this mean I'm getting old? :) It was a fun time with about 25 teenagers. The theme of the event was Breaking Down Barriers - Who You Are In Christ. The students each got to participate in times of worship, teaching, prayer, discussion groups, and of course food and fellowship.

Kids playing games w/ 1 of the youth leaders

The encouragement corner - each teenager had a paper
with his/her name on it that others wrote encouraging
messages on. In the morning they received their page to take home.

Ok, so I got way outside my comfort zone & helped lead worship

This is the "And God Says" board that all of us (youth & leaders)
could write on to share what God was showing them during the
event - some awesome, encouraging messages came forth

And here we are the morning after - youth & leaders
minus a few who escaped before I got the photo :)

The house parents (those who take care of the orphans under the care of the ministry) had an end-of-the-year party to celebrate another year of service to the ministry. The party was a surprise for them and I was blessed to have a part in it by helping prepare their surprise meal (lasanga w/ a chocolate dessert) and preparing individualized messages for their cards. (Cards were creatively made by a dear women's Bible study group at CLC Fairfield in Dayton, Ohio). The parents LOVED the food and the cards. They shared that they were so blessed.

Some of the parents enjoying their meal
(including the one in the middle, an auntie who is expecting :)

The father to the halfway boy's house
He said he was enjoying his meal

Here's the group! We are really blessed to work alongside
this great group of house parents. Their love for God & the kids
inspires me.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lots has been going on here. Part of life here is multiple volunteers coming from around the world for varying lengths of time (a few weeks to a few years). That means people come and serve impacting Swaziland for a time and then return to their home country. Since I've been here we've had volunteers on the farm (where I live and work) from Zimbabwe, Zambia, Scotland, England, Ireland, Sweden, USA, Canada, and probably even more places. :) Recently my roommates and friends from Canada wrapped up their 1 yr internship program and left to pursue whatever God has for them next. Below are some recent pics.

The house parents I work with & a group of volunteers
I've served alongside

2 leaders in the ministry at the one on the
right's birthday party
(really good friends of mine, awesome women)

Volunteers & I shortly before they left
(2 African guys, 2 Canadian girls)

A goodbye braai for the volunteers
in one of the children's homes

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My trip to the States was great and it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces - friends, family, church family. Thank you everyone for making it a special time! (Sorry for the delay in getting this posted. Time seems to be flying!)

Here are some highlights from my trip to the USA:

My Dad's wedding in South Carolina
(my 3 brothers, sister, 2 stepsisters, stepmother, my Dad & I)

My absolutely adorable little cousin Nadia
(she's like a niece to me, she's my cousin Natalie's girl,
looks SO much like me as a child)

My nephew Brayden (8months old, met him for the 1st time during
visit to the States)

My friends Musa & Waheedah getting prayed for at their wedding
September 24th at CLC in Dayton, Ohio

My youngest sibling EJ and I right before his first school dance (Homecoming)
I'm the oldest of 5, he's the youngest. :)

My sister & I (ok and my funny brother)
My last meal w/ my family before flying back to Africa

My Aunt Diana, me, & friend Pam

Saying goodbye to my Mom at the airport,
flying back to Africa
(lyrics come to mind "leavin' on a jet plane
not sure when I'll be back again..")

Bye to my Dad & his wife Candy
(Their wedding in SC was a blast! Welcome to
the family Candy, Emily, & Erin)

It was so nice to visit with family, friends, church family and so many who are part of my missions support team. There's too many of you to mention by name but please know your prayers, friendship, encouragement, and support bless me beyond words.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Some of the last couple weeks in photos...

Children's outreach team from my home church before they took off for Lavumisa, Swaziland

Friends Clark & Erica from CLC Dayton.
It was great to connect with them in Swaziland!
Their hearts for missions in Africa are inspiring to me.

Phyllis, another friend from my home church.
She's a hardworking nurse who served on the medical missions team.

Elizabeth, who served on the medical team.
A joy to see her serving in Swaziland!

A dear friend Patti and I at my Swazi home church Potter's Wheel.
She's a nurse and served on the medical team. She also faithfully prays for the ministry here. I went on my first overseas mission trip to El Salvador with her.

The children's outreach team, Waheedah and I before they left Swaziland to head back to the States. They did a great job serving Swaziland through a drama, puppet show, and testimonies!

Two very special kids from the orphan care center and I. They both have cerebral palsy and through the ministry they have been united as brothers in the same home to be cared for.

Pastor Wafuka, Lily, Liete, and Wana the morning they left Swaziland to head to Zambia to plant Teen Challenge there. We will miss them!!!

Pics with a couple of the kids as I collect their inspiring life stories. God has been faithful to bring them through so much. They are living testimonies.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's Winter here in Swaziland and I thought to prove it I would show you a picture of myself in my house - yes with winter coat, scarf and all! Our fireplace is no longer working but it was a blessing while it lasted! It might be hard to believe that I'm in Africa and it's cold, but Swaziland has all 4 seasons.

A team from Northern Ireland comes annually and holds a soccer tournament for the community. This year there were about 750 in attendance. Much fun was had by all and the prizes for 2nd and 3rd place were live chickens. The grand prize was a goat! You can see the winning team from White City with their goat below. :) It's not everyday that you see a goat going as a grand prize for a soccer tournament. Things like this remind me that I'm in Africa. :)

one of the prize chickens...

I recently had the opportunity to visit a homestead in a rural area in Swaziland about 2 hours from where I live and work. The children were precious. It was a blessing for me to spend some time with them accompanied other Swazis from the ministry here. We shared Christ, prayed with them, passed on some donations of food, including rice packets. My eyes are opened to how the majority of the people of Swaziland live in poverty. Often many children to care for in each home and parents are absent many times through death, unavailable due to sickeness or abandonment. What a joy it is to bring the hope that God brings to people. He is a Father to the fatherless. The invitation is open to anyone who wants to be His child.

And I can't leave out a recent celebration for some good friends' engagement here in Swaziland. Musa asked Waheedah to marry him and we threw a surprise engagement party immediately afterwards. It was a nice evening. Congratulations guys!!!

So much else has been going on that I hope to update you on in the near future. For now I'll end with some song lyrics I recently wrote. I pray they encourage you.

Make It Beautiful

It's not about me, it's all about you
Forgive me for licing with my focus on me
I want to be Your vessel to a lost and dying world
To be used by You, that is my desire
Give me Your heart Lord
Ignite in me that holy fire
How You chose me I do not understand
Take my life Lord, I surrender to Your hand

You are the Potter, I am the clay
Help me to live out the words that You say
My life is Yours, oh Lord
have Your own way
Shape me, mold me, purify me and restore me
Here's all I am, my one request
Make it beautiful

Lovely in Your sight, set aside for a purpose
Shining brightly in Your light
May I be a piece of pottery to be used everyday
Not on a shelf hidden away
I want the world to see You in me
To be part of Your master plan
Be glorified in all that I am

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Praise God! My camera is back in action! So, I've been looking forward to sharing with you an update of the last few weeks in pictures. :)

In May, Potter's Wheel, my home church, had a mother daughter tea which was hosted by the women's ministry. It was suggested that if we did not have a biological mother or daughter we could adopt one. I was blessed by adopting a teenager who is so precious to me and who is a single orphan. She was my "adoptive" daughter for the day and I was also "adopted" by a sweet friend who works at the men's Teen Challenge rehab center. It was a time of encouraging each other and coming together as women in the body of Christ.

my Canadian roomates & I

my adoptive daughter & I

At the end of May we went to pick up my friend Waheedah (from my home church in the States) from the Johannesburg airport. She is marrying a Swazi friend, Musa, from the ministry here in Swaziland. Many of us were anticipating her arrival and it's great to have her here with us now as they prepare for their wedding in September.

Musa & Waheedah - finally both in Swaziland!!!

On Saturday June 11th Potter's Wheel Church hosted a Fun Day for the orphan care center where I live and serve. All the cell groups of Potter's Wheel adopted one family from the children's homes at Hawane Farm. It was a day filled marked by seeing the body of Christ reach out to care for orphans and widows. Much fun, competition, and laughter was had by all!

The children opened us that morning with singing...

On Friday June 17h I had the honor of serving at The Great Ability Group, an outreach to people with disabilities from the rural areas. In Swaziland people with diabilities are often neglected, mistreated, and ignored. It's a joy to reach out to these precious people that most of society has forgotten. We pick them up from the community and bring them to Hawane Farm where they participate in praise & worship, prayer, physical therapy, fun, and free lunch. I was humbled and moved to participate in reaching out to those who God loves so much.

2 guests of the Great Ability Group & I

The Great Ability Group, Nurse Nokthula, & I