It's Winter here in Swaziland and I thought to prove it I would show you a picture of myself in my house - yes with winter coat, scarf and all! Our fireplace is no longer working but it was a blessing while it lasted! It might be hard to believe that I'm in Africa and it's cold, but Swaziland has all 4 seasons.
A team from Northern Ireland comes annually and holds a soccer tournament for the community. This year there were about 750 in attendance. Much fun was had by all and the prizes for 2nd and 3rd place were live chickens. The grand prize was a goat! You can see the winning team from White City with their goat below. :) It's not everyday that you see a goat going as a grand prize for a soccer tournament. Things like this remind me that I'm in Africa. :)
I recently had the opportunity to visit a homestead in a rural area in Swaziland about 2 hours from where I live and work. The children were precious. It was a blessing for me to spend some time with them accompanied other Swazis from the ministry here. We shared Christ, prayed with them, passed on some donations of food, including rice packets. My eyes are opened to how the majority of the people of Swaziland live in poverty. Often many children to care for in each home and parents are absent many times through death, unavailable due to sickeness or abandonment. What a joy it is to bring the hope that God brings to people. He is a Father to the fatherless. The invitation is open to anyone who wants to be His child.
And I can't leave out a recent celebration for some good friends' engagement here in Swaziland. Musa asked Waheedah to marry him and we threw a surprise engagement party immediately afterwards. It was a nice evening. Congratulations guys!!!
So much else has been going on that I hope to update you on in the near future. For now I'll end with some song lyrics I recently wrote. I pray they encourage you.
Make It Beautiful
Make It Beautiful
It's not about me, it's all about you
Forgive me for licing with my focus on me
I want to be Your vessel to a lost and dying world
To be used by You, that is my desire
Give me Your heart Lord
Ignite in me that holy fire
How You chose me I do not understand
Take my life Lord, I surrender to Your hand
You are the Potter, I am the clay
Help me to live out the words that You say
My life is Yours, oh Lord
have Your own way
Shape me, mold me, purify me and restore me
Here's all I am, my one request
Make it beautiful
Lovely in Your sight, set aside for a purpose
Shining brightly in Your light
May I be a piece of pottery to be used everyday
Not on a shelf hidden away
I want the world to see You in me
To be part of Your master plan
Be glorified in all that I am
Forgive me for licing with my focus on me
I want to be Your vessel to a lost and dying world
To be used by You, that is my desire
Give me Your heart Lord
Ignite in me that holy fire
How You chose me I do not understand
Take my life Lord, I surrender to Your hand
You are the Potter, I am the clay
Help me to live out the words that You say
My life is Yours, oh Lord
have Your own way
Shape me, mold me, purify me and restore me
Here's all I am, my one request
Make it beautiful
Lovely in Your sight, set aside for a purpose
Shining brightly in Your light
May I be a piece of pottery to be used everyday
Not on a shelf hidden away
I want the world to see You in me
To be part of Your master plan
Be glorified in all that I am