A team from my home church, CLC in Dayton Ohio, came to Swaziland to do a soccer camp in Lavumisa. I joined them for the week long camp and what a blessing it was. The camp used soccer (a sport the Swazis love) to bring them together as a vehicle to share the gospel message that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but would have everlasting life (John 3:16). 530 kids registered for the camp throughout the week and 225 kids accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior!!! Praise God for His goodness and love towards His people!

CLC Lavumisa (new church building on the left)

Kids gathering for the soccer camp

Some of the community kids & I

A precious girl, a participant of the camp,
who pitched in to help clean up everyday

2 amazing ladies (right side is pastor sabelo's wife)
who cooked lunch for hundreds of the children every day
(over a hot fire in temperatures above 100 degrees F)
I said they were amazing, right?

How we all felt at the end of the day :)

Visiting a local homestead, the team shared God's Word to
encourage them and we prayed for this family

Kids at church at Lavumisa CLC Sunday after the camp
It was crowded and that's good!

Last night with the team at Hawane Farm
1 comment:
Kylee,, I love what you are doing... thanks for posting updates! ps.. Give my friend, Musa a big hug from his Foster Sis.. the last pic in Soccer Camp photos made me smile really big. Musa's spirit jumps out of the photo!
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