I love the outdoors and I stand amazed at the beauty of God's creation. I can see His love on display through what He has made.
Sunrise over Hawane (where I live)

Regular part of my drive to the church
(don't worry I didnt' take this pic while driving!:)
(don't worry I didnt' take this pic while driving!:)
Hawane farm, the orphan care center where I'm based
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." (Romans 1:20) The beauty of creation is meant to point all of us to God - for us to know Him personally and to be in relationship with Him. The only way we can come to this God is through Jesus Christ. This amazing God who created all of this has also sent His only Son Jesus into the world to die in our place. What I mean is - Jesus' death on the cross was payment for everything we have done wrong, our sins. Before Jesus we were separated from God as the things we have done wrong separate us from God. They put distance between us and Him. There was no way for us to draw close to God. When we put our trust in God and acknowledge that Jesus' death on the cross was payment for our sins- the mistakes we have made against God- then we are forgiven by God and can enjoy the relationship with Him we were always meant to have with Him. He is so good. His beautiful creation points to this fact. He's calling out to the world through His creation as He shines forth His power, love, care and majesty. Will we choose to draw near to God today?
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