Remembering God's Promises On the Journey
Back to Africa

Monday, July 02, 2012

Lavumisa Women's Retreat June 2012

A team from my home church, CLC in Dayton, Ohio, came out June 7-18 to hold a women's retreat in Lavumisa, Swaziland. Lavumisa is in a rural part of Swaziland out in the bush. Working with the team was a blessing and I believe God brought life-long tansformation to the lives of the women. We saw God showering His love, forgiveness, mercy, hope and truth into the women's hearts. Many of these women are in polygamous marriages and some are deeply rooted in the culture of ancestor worship. Swaziland's predominant religion is Zionism which is a mixture of Christianity and ancestor worship. Many people go to traditional healers (witch doctors) when they are sick or need help. 

"The Mindset of a Christian Woman" was the topic of the teachings throughout the week and the women heard of God's love for them, His call to forgive, and that Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father - God the Creator of the universe. About 90 women were attendance for this week long retreat. Some received Christ for the first time, several who had strayed came back to the Lord, and many recommitted their lives to God.

Women's retreat at Lavumisa CLC
Women of Lavumisa dancing during praise & worship at the retreat
Terri, Waheedah & I helping with lunch distribution
The ladies in line for lunch at the retreat     

Volunteers, children, and I in Lavumisa - we had 30+ kids join us daily during the women's retreat

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