Remembering God's Promises On the Journey
Back to Africa

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I was blessed to go on a short-term mission trip to Jackson, KY the week of Christmas with Foundation Builders International ( whose aim is to "meet the needs of the neglected in the Tri-State. The orphan, the widow, the mentally ill, families with special needs children... all that need help with the necessities of life". During the 2 day trip we unloaded/sorted donations, distributed food to homes in the community, prayed with families, helped prepare the church for the Christmas celebration, wrapped donated gifts for 80 children of Appalachia, and served at the Christmas party.

I'm taking away a few things from this experience:

1) There is NEED (poverty, addictions, crime, abuse, hopelessness) every place all over the globe We cannot individually do everything but we can do something. God has designed you uniquely and equipped you with certain gifts and abilities. He has more than you could ever imagine planned for you (Ephesians 3:20). As we all do something, everything will change. What is the something God is calling you to?

2) My heart must break for the things that break God's heart if I desire to live out the plan He has for me. God's plan is about people... especially people in need. Imagine that the God of the universe sees everything, including the devestating, that goes on in the earth. Rape. Murder. Violence. Deceit. Death. God loves the "least of these" - the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the stranger, those who are sick, and those who are in prison. He desires for us to be His hands and feet and share His love with them. "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the lest of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40)

Beautiful children in Appalachia

(Appalachia has 3 times the national poverty rate, a big prescription drug abuse problem and the shortest life spans in the nation.)

a sweet, reserved girl I'm so glad I met

a beautiful baby who played baby Jesus in the Christmas play

why would there need to be a sign like this outside a McDonald's play area?...
3) It is more blessed to GIVE than to RECEIVE. This week I was so blessed just to simply give of my time to help in a small way facilitate the celebration of Christmas for some children in Appalachia. Each of the 80 children were sponsored by someone they did not know who bought them Christmas presents and committed to pray for them. The kids put on a Christmas play at the church, then everyone enjoyed dinner together, and finally they opened their gifts. :)

wrapping gifts preparing for the Christmas celebration @ the Happy Church

Christmas presents waiting to be unwrapped!

getting ready to open presents at the party

community members in the sanctuary about to open gifts

I'm learning life's about making a difference wherever you find yourself. Lend a hand, offer a listening ear, provide food for someone who is hungry, pray for people in need... Jesus summed it up when He said that the greatest commandment is to LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength AND the second is to LOVE your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-39)

Friday, December 18, 2009

I spent last Christmas in Africa with over 5o beautiful orphan children. Somehow I don't quite think Christmas will be the same this year....

Some pics from Christmas 2008, Swaziland:

kids at an area homestead dancing & making music :)

a family I love in Africa

smiling for shoes on Christmas morning!

decorated for birthday for Jesus

precious family on Christmas morning

Each day I am a little closer to Africa. I eagerly await the day I will board the plane to return to the people and land I love… to see God transform a nation… a people group projected to become extinct due to the AIDS pandemic yet rescued by the power and love of God!

I have raised 60% of my total budget and I’m in need of $953 in monthly commitments to reach my goal of returning to serve the people of Africa. (Just 5 monthly partners at $40, 10 partners at $30 ($1/day), 20 partners at $20, and 5 partners at $10 and the goal is met, I'm at 100% :)
To invest in the lives of people in Swaziland:

*One-time gift - send to AG World Missions 1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802, check memo “294729” or go to

*Monthly pledge- If you or someone you know is prompted to pledge any amount monthly please contact me or go to

God is transforming a nation. We get to be a part of it when we pray, give, and go. I am so blessed to share in this journey with you!
As 2009 comes to a close I'd like to give some recap of events regarding my missionary journey back to Africa:

January- 29th I returned to the USA from a 5 month mission to Swaziland, Africa. After seeking God's will for my life I discovered that the next chapter is to return to Swaziland to serve long-term (at least 2 yrs) the orphans and widows affected by the AIDS pandemic. I will continue to be involved in community outreach, counseling, teaching, helping facilitate small groups and Bible studies, hospital visitation. I'm blessed to be part of this ministry. To check out more about Swaziland Teen Challenge, the ministry I'm serving with go to

February- I was approved as a Missionary Associate with Assemblies of God World Missions. I adjusted (hope to not get too comfortable) back to the fast pace of life in the U.S. and spent time catching up with family and friends. I found reverse culture shock to be quite overwhelming at times. The main challenge was the amount of stimulation here in the States... lights, sounds, the ordinary multi-tasking activities were a little much for me for the first few weeks. I also had to get used to driving on the right side of the road again! (In Africa I was used to driving on the left side of the road and driver's seat on the right side!!!)
my sister & I
March- I was commissioned as a Missionary Associate in Springfield, MO and enjoyed a week of orientation. It's official! :) Picture of our fun group below. Also took my GRE and applied for grad school, counseling degree.

April- I began working a temporary full-time job, speaking to various groups sharing my passion to serve the Swazi people, and preparing to move.

May- I attended Ohio District Council (gathering of pasters, had a table w. my missions info) near Columbus, Ohio the week of the 11th and a support raising seminar in Indianapolis, IN over Memorial Day weekend. Began planning fund-raiser events and speaking at new area churches. Held resteruant fund-raiser @ the Mongolian Grill (almost $1000 raised)

June- Texas Roadhouse fund-raiser night (approx. $500 raised), organized and spoke at a women's gathering ($1840 raised), shared at Dayton A/G sectional meeting of pastors, and a long awaited family vacation.

July- Continued sharing the passion to be hands and feet of Christ to Swaziland, many new friends joined my support team and held 2nd fund-raiser @the Mongolian Grill ($850 raised). Rejoiced with my cousin who welcomed her 1st child, Nadia Shea, the 1st of the new generation in my family. :)

August- Attended a wonderful family reuinion in Columbus Ohio (great to catch up!), enjoyed speaking at a women's Aglow group, began a women's Bible study group at my church, and found out I am the recepient of a full Presidential Scholarship at Regent University Masters in Counseling program (praise God!!!) to begin August 2010 - will go online from Africa :)

September- celebrated my 25th bday (I'm a quarter of a century!), attended American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) international conference in Nashville, TN (a GREAT event, learned new things), sold Swazi photographs @ Chocolate Festival

October - continued to share my testimony and call to missions (including at Mercy St., a women's event at CLC), attended a Voice of the Martyr's seminar- very inspiring, attended Aglow conference and had a great time being poured into by great speakers

November- sold t-shirts at my home church and the craft festival (see pic below), served in Thanksgiving Basket Ministry (feeding around 8,000)

December- my mom's surprise 50th bday party a success :), continued selling t-shirts and helped pack meal packets for Swaziland to feed approx. 250,000 meals.

And the year is not over yet!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Shirts For Swaziland

I'm excited to share I am selling stylish t-shirts to raise support for my 2 year mission assignment to Swaziland, Africa. The shirts have 1 John 3:18 on them! They are great for Christmas presents and birthday gifts. You will be looking good and sharing the Truth! :)

AVAILABLE in sizes Small to 2X

$20 each or 2 for $35

Proceeds go to my AGWM missions account to help me return to Africa to serve the orphans and widows affected by the AIDS pandemic.
To order please email me at

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I'm back from Africa and here's some pics....

Swaziland Landscape
(I lived here! Beauty of surroundings contrasted by such disease,
poverty, and death among the people)

Christmas time in Africa
(nurse Jane from UK and I)

Beautiful children, orphaned, and living in hospital
(I miss them!!!)

Kids at an area homestead- excited to see a car!
(and therefore wanted their pic taken:)

Kids (orphaned) being cared for by the ministry I'm serving under

It's been AWHILE since I've posted updates. God has been at work in my life and many things have happened! Including:

- After much prayer I left my counseling position to pursue missions work in Africa - Went on a 5 month mission trip to Swaziland, Africa, arriving back to U.S. at the end of Jan. 09

- During my time in Swaziland, God confirmed His call for me to pursue long-term missions work so I began the application process through AG World Missions...

- Was approved & commissioned as a Missionary Associate through AGWM

- Attended pre-field orientation week in Springfield, MO, met some new friends, & enjoyed some of the area (recommended) resteraunts - including the spinach cheese dip @ Cheddars

- Applied, interviewed, & was accepted into Regent University's online Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program (yea! to begin August 09)

- Began public speaking about Africa at various churches, classes, and groups- raising my support team of friends who will support me financially & through prayer as I return to Africa

- In between all this I worked for the US Census Bureau, attended Ohio District Council in May, went to support-raising seminar in Indiana, organized and held various fund-raisers, traveled to FL to spend time w/ family, and took my chemical dependency counseling licensure exam in Columbus

Bottom line is I've seen God at work in so many ways through His divine provision, guidance, peace in the midst of trials, and wisdom to make important life decisions. I know that this life is short and want to use the days I'm given to make a difference. "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

The joy of the Lord is my strength and I look forward to what the future holds as I pursue His call to bring His love to the nations.

A beautiful teenage girl @ our Pink Princess Party :)
(teaching them they are created, valued, and loved by God)