I was blessed to go on a short-term mission trip to Jackson, KY the week of Christmas with Foundation Builders International (foundationbuildersinternational.org) whose aim is to "meet the needs of the neglected in the Tri-State. The orphan, the widow, the mentally ill, families with special needs children... all that need help with the necessities of life". During the 2 day trip we unloaded/sorted donations, distributed food to homes in the community, prayed with families, helped prepare the church for the Christmas celebration, wrapped donated gifts for 80 children of Appalachia, and served at the Christmas party.
I'm taking away a few things from this experience:
1) There is NEED (poverty, addictions, crime, abuse, hopelessness) every place all over the globe We cannot individually do everything but we can do something. God has designed you uniquely and equipped you with certain gifts and abilities. He has more than you could ever imagine planned for you (Ephesians 3:20). As we all do something, everything will change. What is the something God is calling you to?
2) My heart must break for the things that break God's heart if I desire to live out the plan He has for me. God's plan is about people... especially people in need. Imagine that the God of the universe sees everything, including the devestating, that goes on in the earth. Rape. Murder. Violence. Deceit. Death. God loves the "least of these" - the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the stranger, those who are sick, and those who are in prison. He desires for us to be His hands and feet and share His love with them. "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the lest of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40)
Beautiful children in Appalachia
(Appalachia has 3 times the national poverty rate, a big prescription drug abuse problem and the shortest life spans in the nation.)
a beautiful baby who played baby Jesus in the Christmas play
3) It is more blessed to GIVE than to RECEIVE. This week I was so blessed just to simply give of my time to help in a small way facilitate the celebration of Christmas for some children in Appalachia. Each of the 80 children were sponsored by someone they did not know who bought them Christmas presents and committed to pray for them. The kids put on a Christmas play at the church, then everyone enjoyed dinner together, and finally they opened their gifts. :)
wrapping gifts preparing for the Christmas celebration @ the Happy Church
Christmas presents waiting to be unwrapped!
I'm learning life's about making a difference wherever you find yourself. Lend a hand, offer a listening ear, provide food for someone who is hungry, pray for people in need... Jesus summed it up when He said that the greatest commandment is to LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength AND the second is to LOVE your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-39)