Remembering God's Promises On the Journey
Back to Africa

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I must share that I am soooo excited about hearing this weekend at church what God did while a small team of people from our church went to Swaziland, Africa for the 1st time on December 3-12, 2007. Swaziland is a small country located in South Africa between Mozambique and South Africa and the country is slightly smaller than the state of New Jersey. The main focus of the trip was seeking God to find how He can use our church in this country which has the highest death rate from AIDS. Swaziland recently surpassed Botswana as the country with the world's highest known rates of HIV/AIDS infection. In 2005 an estimated 33% of Swaziland adults age 15-49 were living with HIV/AIDS infection and in 2007 this has climbed to almost 40% of the population being infected by AIDS. I cannot even imagine this. One thing I know is that the Lord has laid this burden on my heart for people who are going through extreme trials. There is suffering, deep need, and extreme poverty going on in different parts of the "nations" we are to reach as Christians according to the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20.

I am sure the Lord will continue to speak to me about His heart for these people and want part he desires for me to have in serving them. The mission team shares this weekend about their experience and about any leadings from the Holy Spirit about how we as a congregation might minister to the people of Swaziland. I can hardly wait and I am praying for open hearts for all of us. I am reminded of a verse in James "Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has passed the test, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." (1:12)

Lord, may You be ever so near to those in Swaziland and all over the world who are suffering and may You wrap Your comfort around them in this very day. Lord reveal to them Your perfect peace that is in Christ and give them strength to pass the test. We know You will then meet them with the crown of life in Heaven. Praise You Lord who are most worthy of all of our praise and with every breath may we bring You glory forever. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

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