Recent visit to the prisonsI went with a team of people from my home church in Swaziland, Potter's Wheel Church, to visit 3 prisons. We planned to visit the women's prison, the men's prison and the juvenile facility. We got to visit both the men's and the juvenile's facilities but the women's prison was not accepting visitors that day. (We plan to go back within the next 30 days to try again. I love ministering to the women so I'm looking forward to this:)
We got to share the gospel with all of the residents in the juvenile and adult male's facilities. About 65 people gave their hearts to God, accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They chose to trust God with their lives, begin a relationship with Him, and pursue His purposes for their lives. It's a joy for me to see people experiencing the hope that only God can bring.
The team (2 Swazis, a Zambian, a Finn & me, an American :)

My dear friend Joy, the Zambian, preaching
the message to the youth
The youth raising their hands to begin a personal
relationship with Jesus

The youth praying

The team at the youth facility
(The inmates do receive schooling here, though
they are sentenced & must remain here 24 hrs/day)

Pictures could not be taken in the adult male's facility. We had a great time there with the group of men gathered underneath the trees outside on a hot, sunny day. They listened to the message attentively and many responded by coming forward for prayer. We passed out Gideon Bibles at both prisons.
" '...I was in prison and you came to visit me.' ... The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. ' " (Mathew 25: 36,40)