Remembering God's Promises On the Journey
Back to Africa

Saturday, August 13, 2005

God is awesome. I really know His promise in Jeremiah 29:11 is true. He really does have a plan for us, to give us a future and a hope. He's such a God of love. I truly trust His plans for me, and I have this feeling that they contain things I totally would not expect. God just works that way though. Anyways, saturday night service was awesome. God really spoke through Pastor Stan in order to give our church a message about stewardship. Money is a difficult issue for many people, including many Christians. I know I have struggled in that area, and I really have been trusting the Lord with all of that now in my life. Pastor Stan helped me to see that God merely uses whoever writes my paycheck to bless me with that money. It all comes from God. He is so very faithful. Although I do not make very much money right now as I am in school, I realize that God truly got me the job I have now. I had been working in a place that did not have a good environment at all. I tried to be a light there, and I pray I made an impact... It was definately difficult. Circumstances led me to quit that job, and I prayed about this move and about a new job. God brought my current place of employment into my life. It's a job I truly love and has higher pay than the one I was at. I know I owe that money to Him. I know it can be challenging at times to tithe correctly when financially it seems ends will not meet. I think it's about making that leap of faith and tithing first even when it looks impossible. Our God is the God of the impossible. He is a God who can move mountains, and separate seas. I do not want to limit Him in my life. Speaking of tithing being the first action you make when you receive your paycheck, I like this scripture verse:
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see ~Hebrews 11:1
On that awesome note about faith, I am off to bed. We leave tomorrow for vacation with work! Yea! Praying God uses me in any way He can on the trip, for our safety, and for God to speak to me through the book I will begin on the trip, Heaven by Randy Alcorn.

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