I stole some quite time alone today to sit at my desk listening to the rain. The Lord is really doing a work on the inside of me and showing me that regardless of what situation I find myself in, His Spirit can lead me and guide me in joy and peace. I wrote this short entry in my notebook earlier today...
I Am Yours
Lord you can do awesome and amazing things - seemingly impossible things. Yet I know that Your power, Your Spirit, working through me can accomplish more than my dreams. You know me better than I know myself and you are working, orchastrating You plan for each day of my life. Lord, I want to submit to Your ways. I want to give You my life. You are the God who can move mountains and part seas. Who am I to stand in the way of what You want to do in and through me? Please mold me, ever-shaping me into the person you want me to be. Make me more and more like Jesus. Help me to believe the truth that even though I cannot see how I can get there from here - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phillipians 4:13). Oh Lord, my heavenly Father, I do not want to stand in Your way any longer. I do not want another moment to go by without You knowing that You can have all of me. Please take my plans, my education, my skills, any gift you have given me and, Lord, use them fully for Your glory. God, You gave those gifts and skills to me and I pray even though they have not always been used for You and they have not been used to their potential - take them now and use them for Your Kingdom. I praise You Lord for what You have done, for what You are doing, and for what You are going to do in and through my life. Thank you, God, that I can hand you my life and have complete trust in You alone. I am Yours.
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