Remembering God's Promises On the Journey
Back to Africa

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I came across this piece I wrote awhile back which was inspired during my quiet time with God. It came to me in the form of questions, so this is how I quickly wrote it...

Unworthiness- evermore reason why we need Jesus. None of us measure up, we can not measure up. Allow Jesus to save you, accept the sacrifice he made for you. I know you do not want to settle for something less than God's plan (that makes sense and is smart).
What if God's plan was forus to realize Him and see it is all about Him and purpose is given or found in us becoming more like Him?
What if no matter what or who the journey pairs us with or connects us to, it is suppossed to be realized or found by trusting in Him and becoming who He wants us to be?
What if this affects all other parts of our lives? (It would make sense, wouldn't it since accepting Jesus as Savior and believing in God changes our outlook on everything and really does change our lives)
What if everything else can only be made whole or complete in our lives when we are dedicated to becoming who He wants us to be?
What if it can only occur by understanding those things God has foremost called us to?
What if that is the reason Christian marriages in which both partners are believers sometimes still fail?
What if it is due to OURSELVES?
What if by us focusing on ourselves and our goals for the future (future career, future school, degree, or relationship) we bypass what God has for us in the here and now?
What if our purpose is already there, in front of us, left unrealized?
What if it is not a matter of a new job or a new mate that will lead us to our purpose?
What if it's simply our lack of understanding that keeps us blind to seeing the purpose that already surrounds us?
What if we will remain this way, praying and not realizing we already hold the answer?
What if instead of thinking something is not right so it must be the situation we stopped to think it may be ourselves? (What if it is us who is not right?)
Do we need to ask for forgiveness for blaming everything else but ourselves?
Do we find ourselves with many excuses for our behavior? (not truly apologizing)
What if God already provided all we need to experience our purpose in life and we keep ourselves blind to it and apart from it due to our failure to ask Him to forgive us of all our mistakes and to make us more like Him?
What if we keep asking "God, who is the person you want me to marry?" "God, where do you want me to live?" when all God wants to hear is "God, WHO do you want me to be?"
What if by us becoming more and more like this person He called us to be (more like Jesus) our eyes opened to the meaning surrounding us?

After running across that piece I wanted to put it on here. I think it's powerful. I am off to do more studying and hopefully get outside on this gorgeous day!

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