School has started and actually the first week of class has flown by. It's Friday night, and I have been feeling under the weather. I went to bed tonight at 6pm after I had been feeling really ill during the entire day. I woke up, talked with my sister briefly, and decided to write. School is going well and I can tell this quarter is definately going to keep me busy. I expected that, though, with 20 credit hours. I'm taking Behavioural Neuroscience, Advanced Perception, Philosophy of Art, Cognitive Psychology, and Biblical Prophets and History. A couple of the courses seem pretty challenging, but I know I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. I have been receiving mail (graduate applications and info) from graduate schools. I just finished reading the information from Biola University, and I just love so much about it. They truly seems to integrate theology and psychology, and the school appears to integrate biblical principles into counseling in a way that truly would teach me counsel the whole person. I just love how it mentions that as a student there I would be ministering within a clinical setting. From reading the material I just learned that I would be getting a minor in theology and biblical studies in addition to my master's and doctoral degrees in clinical psychology. The opportunities at this school just sound phenonmenal. I pray God will lead me to the school He has for me. I trust Him, and I know in life even when it seems like He couldn't possibly - God knows what He is doing.
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